
Sarah Palin says son’s arrest linked to PTSD

Sarah Palin on Wednesday blamed her son’s domestic-violence arrest on posttraumatic stress, as she joined Donald Trump for her second day on the presidential campaign trail with the GOP front-runner. “You know, I was there. Do you know what we’re trying to do to secure America?'”


It starts from the top. Nonetheless despite assurance people were disappointed as Sarah Palin didn’t turn up to the promised rally in Oklahoma, where Trump had to address the gathering along, without his new Conservative backer. While she’s hardly the conservative kingmaker she once was, Palin remains a favorite of the tea party insurgency, and her endorsement of Donald Trump for the 2016 GOP nomination gives him an added boost of conservative, anti-establishment credibility. In 2014, Track Palin and his sister Bristol were reportedly involved in a brawl at a house party in Anchorage, though no charges were filed.

During an interview on CNN, host Don Lemon asked Trump if he asked Palin to talk about her son’s arrest.

Trump and Palin did not discuss how the endorsement had come about, but Trump’s national political director, Michael Glassner, previously worked for her. Trump said earlier Tuesday that he doesn’t typically put much stock in endorsements, but said of this one, “I think it could very well result in votes”.

“She could play a position if she wanted to”, he told NBC’s “Today” show.

“I think it helps Trump overwhelm the news cycle with Trump coverage at a critical time”, he said.

“My son, like so many others, they come back a bit different”, she said in Tulsa, Okla. “They come back hardened. And you quit footin” the bill for these nations who are oil-rich, we’re paying for some of their squirmishes that have been going on for centuries.

Mr Trump and Mr Cruz have travelled the state this week trading barbs and one-upping each other in attempts to channel the frustrations and fears of the rural conservatives who gather at their rallies.

Track Palin, 26, was arrested Monday in Wasilla, Alaska after he allegedly slugged his girlfriend in the face, kicked her in the knee, and threatened suicide with an AR-15 assault rifle.


Trump’s newest right-hand woman blasted President Obama for what she says is a failure to take care of military members returning home from conflicts overseas. Palin, a former Alaska governor, has a strong following among evangelical voters, a key voting bloc in the February 1 Iowa caucuses.

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump adddresses an audience in Grand Rapids Michigan on Dec. 21 2015