
Roy Harper, Katana and Anarky return in new Arrow season 4 trailer

Oliver could have taken them and used them against Darhk as Darhk has been using those Oliver cares about against him. All of Emily Bett Rickards’ scenes tonight were lovely, rolling right past any emphasis on tragedy porn or breakup peril with Oliver, as she immediately understood why he’d keep busy tracking down Darhk.


Not having Felicity to lighten up Team Arrow’s missions made everything feel that much darker. So Darhk gives him brief mercy. They mercilessly teased that someone very important was going to die in season 3 and had all fingers pointing at Roy. Yet in the episode “Broken Arrow” Roy faked his death and it was Thea who was fatally attacked by Ra’s Al Ghul.

Once there, he’s confronted by an understandably upset Mama Smoak. Felicity loathes Merlyn and has called a “son of bitch” (and worst insults) several times. Andy gives him a hint on Darhk’s possible location but doesn’t seem quite ready to settle on a truce. Laurel Lance disarms him and Diggle knocks him out. The one person who might be helpful to him is Malcolm. But the nice thing about Felicity and Oliver is that she’s been with him since season one.

Well, at least Felicity’s not dead! Certain members of the team are in the hospital, and Oliver even asks himself how far he is willing to go to defeat Darhk. She’ll never walk again. Reiter takes it as a sign and insists Oliver be spared until his usefulness is up. Anarky had Darhk’s family held hostage, using them as bait to lure Darhk into an ambush.

When Darhk’s daughter falls asleep, his partner tells him that he should have killed Oliver, regardless of the fact that he saved them.

1 – Lets get to the big one first this time. Though Oliver gets a few good punches in, Darhk once again manages to gain the upperhand. Seeking revenge, Oliver goes on a brutal manhunt looking for Darhk. “Blood Debts” was a weird combination of a continuation of all of the action from “Dark Waters” back in December and a Villain of the Week with the reappearance of Lonnie Machin as Anarky.

Later, we cut to four months from now – around the time of the season finale, and the same time as the flash-forward that finished the Season Premiere.

The 22-second clip also makes a point of showing Felicity taking medication. This time, instead of being close and cuddled up, they’re on complete opposite ends of the seat, not touching or making eye contact.

But, the ice doesn’t really start going through the veins until we pick up with the Darhk family a bit later, as Damien’s wife tells him he should’ve used the situation as a chance to kill the Green Arrow once and for all. Now you have morals and want everyone to be all about truth and justice because it suits the trousers you’re wearing this week? Oliver is evolving and he’s able to see, “Oh, that’s what old Oliver would have done, and this Oliver is not going to leave your side going forward”.

Once again on the island, Oliver is whipped but then Reiter notices something, the tattoo on his abdomen is glowing. Diggle confronts his brother for answers while everyone else tries to do what they can to avenge Felicity.

It is a very touching moment in a fairly robotic midseason premiere.

We’re going to see Nyssa (Katrina Law) “make her move” in an upcoming episode. Could it be Diggle in the grave (please no) put there by his own brother?


It’s great to see them start peeling back the layers a bit for why Andy is holding the line for the Ghosts, even though the brainwashing has worn off. Was it a bit rushed that a quick heart-to-heart got him to offer up some intel, weeks after his capture?

Arrow makes an anarchic return 

    By      Alasdair Wilkins