
Trump, Sanders take solid leads in first primary contests

“He has suggested that we invite Iranian troops into Syria”, Clinton said. “You know why, right?”


Johnston, who endorsed Barack Obama over Clinton during the 2008 primary and runs a lobbying firm, noted that Clinton has racked up support from elected and establishment Democrats, but said Sanders had earned the backing of party activists. And it was a rebuke to Republicans that Clinton couldn’t credibly deliver – and would be criticized for saying. Some 44 percent of people polled think Clinton will have the best chance at beating Trump, whereas only 16 percent favor Sanders. They stump for her in Iowa and New Hampshire, two critical early voting states, and attend fundraisers for her across the country. Over the weekend, her campaign is sending Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro into the state, part of a fleet of high-profile minority backers who’ve been campaigning on her behalf.

As evidence, Cruz said his campaign had raised $700,000 since Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad calling for Cruz’s defeat in the Hawkeye State. “I need you”, Clinton said Thursday during a speech where she acknowledged that she knows “what it is like to be knocked down”.

Although surrogates have become the norm in modern campaigning, the Clinton campaign has turned their operation into a key strength over Vermont Sen.

Sanders wins Democratic caucus-goers “over Clinton on the economy by 22 points, and 67% said they thought he would do more to help the middle class, as opposed to 30% who felt that way about Clinton”.

Mere days before the state’s caucuses, Hillary Clinton supporters gathered at the University of Iowa for a rally that featured yet another star-studded endorsement for the Democratic presidential candidate and frontrunner.

Three-quarters of the inter-views were conducted before the pair sparred over guns and their approaches to healthcare in the fourth Democratic debate Sunday night. From health care to foreign policy, Clinton repeatedly referenced Sanders by name and questioned whether his ideas could ever become reality.

Indianola, Ia. – Hillary Clinton started digging in more sharply against rival Bernie Sanders Thursday.

“It’s a group of voters that tends to be very hit or miss … whereas the Clinton campaign has solidly more support in the 50-and-up demographic, and that’s your group that is reliable and is going to show up to vote”, Remmel says. They also overestimated Mrs. Clinton’s skill as a candidate.


David Brock, the founder of Media Matters and a big Hillary Clinton, is starting to attack Bernie Sanders, this time on the diversity of his newest campaign ad.

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in Charleston S.C. on Jan. 17