
Trump retweets ‘White Genocide’ Twitter user

The account also includes a photo of George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party.


That twitter user, who calls himself “Donald Trumpovitz”, has a banner that reads “Get the fuck out of my country”.

The message featured a Photoshopped image of Bush standing in front of Trump’s Manhattan headquarters, Trump Tower, with a cardboard sign saying, “Vote Trump”.

“@WhiteGenocideTM: @realDonaldTrump Poor Jeb”. In October he blamed an intern for a tweet that offended Iowans.

Donald Trump’s fondness for retweeting criticism of his opponents and praise from his followers appears to have landed the business mogul in hot water once again.

According to Mashable, he has previously tweeted images of “Trump in a Nazi uniform gassing Bernie Sanders”, and many of his posts are devoted to Islamophobic, anti-Semitic and anti-black hatred. Ted Cruz’s book, “A Time for Truth”.

Trump’s Twitter is often filled with unusual statements, but he took things to a new level when he retweeted a user named “WhiteGenocideTM”.


Cue a retweet from Trump’s account, and bafflement, mockery and anger from dozens of Twitter users.

Glenn Beck August 2011