
Cruz ad makes Trump eat his own sweet words

“And as much as I like Donald Trump personally, there is a marked difference between his record and my record”, Cruz said.


Both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz were in New Hampshire on Monday.

Cruz accepted the maximum possible donation from the pair – despite later claiming LGBT activists like Ellen Page are “liberal fascists”.

Cruz’s assault on Trump for having “New York values” comes just weeks before Iowa begins voting and marks a shift from Cruz’s past praise for the former reality television star and businessman.

“If someone tells you they’re tea party, you can’t be tea party and at the same time have supported TARP”, Cruz said, using an acronym for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, a controversial Wall Street bailout program. So I’ve got a very simple question for the folks here: “How do we not get burned again?” Christie called Cruz’s language divisive and insulting to the people of NY and of his own state across the Hudson River, before mocking Cruz for taking money from the very people whose views he was disparaging.

He alluded to Mr. Cruz being hypocritical, noting that he has raised millions of dollars from New Yorkers.

Milford, NH-Ted Cruz on Sunday started a New Hampshire tour packed with 17 events in the states 10 counties. “I want true guys in who actually do what they say they’re going to do”.

Trump, however, Saturday accused Cruz of purposely withholding information on the loans.

Well Maria, thank you for passing on that hit piece in the front page of the New York Times.

On Jan. 16, Trump tweeted a 2015 story from The New York Times about Cruz attending a dinner and reception in New York City that was hosted by two wealthy gay hoteliers.

A “Real Clear Politics” average of recent opinion polls show Mr Trump running marginally ahead of Mr Cruz in Iowa but holding a bigger lead in New Hampshire, where Florida Senator Marco Rubio is in second place.

Cruz has tried to downplay his error of omission, saying during Thursday night’s debate it was a paperwork error and the loan had been disclosed in a filing to Congress. It seems Donald has a lot of nervous energy. Ted Cruz, by name during a town hall-style meeting in Johnston, Iowa, the first of four scheduled campaign appearances Saturday. Mill, S.C. “You know in terms of a commander in chief, I think we ought to have someone who isn’t springing out of bed and tweeting in response to the latest polls”.

“When someone announces as a Republican candidate for president, suddenly they agree with the values of everyone in this room”, Cruz said. “Stable and steady and a calm hand to keep this country safe”.


In a sign of their increasing separation from the rest of the field, Trump and Cruz have spent the past week focused on tearing each other down, ending the de facto alliance they had maintained to this point in the race.

Ted cruz