
Donald Trump Holds Lead, Bernie Sanders Pulling Ahead in Iowa — CNN Poll

Key Clinton ally David Brock, who’s behind the Correct the Record super PAC, told the Associated Press that the “bizarre” ad was a “significant slight to the Democratic base”.


Clinton’s comments were a slight change in tone for the Democratic presidential candidate, who Wednesday night appeared much more reflective and contemplative about the process during a campaign event in Burlington, Iowa.

Read: When is my state’s primary?

At these last stops across Iowa before the caucuses, flanked by her campaign’s signature “Fighting For Us” signs, Clinton has taken to naming the men and women she’s met in her nine months on the campaign trail, people who’ve shared their problems and need urgent, pragmatic solutions, she says.

Emily’s List, in fact, sent out a release likening Sanders to GOP politicians, pointing out a quote from his Rolling Stone interview: “Once you get off of the social issues-abortion, gay rights, guns-and into the economic issues, there is a lot more agreement than the pundits understand”. The Vermont senator also leads Republicans Marco Rubio 55 percent to 37 percent, Chris Christie 57 percent to 34 percent, and John Kasich 54 percent to 33 percent. Like: “‘We are we going to make things happen.'” she added.

After those two states, the race moves to Nevada and SC, which have more diverse voting populations and where polls show Clinton leading. In the past, Sanders has backed legislation that gave immunity to gun manufacturers in gun-related deaths. Just 27 percent felt Sanders was better positioned as the nominee to win the White House. Why let policy or partisan lines dictate your choice for the next United States President when a Demi Lovato set can do the same? Sanders has proposed a single-payer health care program that drastically cuts the role private insurance companies. Just 7 percent said they have an unfavorable opinion of the senator.

Indianola, Ia. – Hillary Clinton started digging in more sharply against rival Bernie Sanders Thursday.

After Sanders made the initial remarks earlier this week, Clinton tweeted out an objection to him calling Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign “establishment” groups, which both publicly criticized him on Twitter.

Sanders leads Clinton in both states in the latest polls.


The CNN/ORC survey of 2,002 adult Iowans was conducted January 15th through 20th and included 266 likely Republican caucus-goers and 280 likely Democratic caucus-goers.

US Democratic presidential candidate and US Senator Bernie Sanders speaks at a campaign stop in Peterborough New Hampshire