
Sony gives PSN Plus Subscribers One Day Extension For Earlier Outage

Now Sony is making good on their promise and has already started sending out PSN members extension codes via email to allow them to access the free-day.


On January 4, PSN went down with PS4, PS3, and Vita all experiencing issues. Some games can be still be played offline, however there are several titles, including popular games such as The Elder Scrolls Online and Destiny, which are online-only multiplayer games. As such, gamers looking to play these games at the time were out of luck and had to wait for the issue to be resolved.

Even when it took Sony only half a day to rectify the problem, they chose to send out codes to give a day worth of extension to the subscriptions by PlayStation Plus users, thus “refunding” the cost of that day. The code can be redeemed before March 31. It will not be added automatically like the last time Sony granted an extension after downtime, so be sure to redeem the code inside.

“Thanks for your patience during the service interruption”, Sony said in its email to subscribers.


“Due to the recent PlayStation®Network interruption we are giving you a 1-DAY extension to your PlayStation®Plus membership”. During this period, the PlayStation Network was down for 23 days. Even so, as most fans would argue, PSN outages have become far too commonplace, with Sony’s server failure at the beginning of the month surely being just the first of more to come this year.
