
Clinton taps Lovato to court young female voters

Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has pulled into the lead in the Democratic presidential race in the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.


As she had before, Clinton also pledged to overturn the Hyde Amendment, a measure that bars the use of federal funds being spent on abortions in most cases.

Hunting license data suggest a larger share of residents hunt with firearms in Iowa than in New Hampshire. “We’re on a home-field disadvantage here”, Clinton said.

As Sanders shot into the lead Clinton sought to turn his “establishment” attack right back on him-saying he served in Washington much longer than she did. “She has a record of taking on the gun lobby and an agenda including comprehensive background checks, cracking down on illegal gun traffickers, holding dealers and manufacturers accountable when they endanger Americans and keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and stalkers”.

She wouldn’t answer whether Sanders was qualified to be commander in chief, but said she was.

It was a consistent message for the candidate, who attacked Sanders in a speech earlier Thursday and released a video through her campaign that afternoon criticizing his proposal.

Sanders, the self-described Democratic socialist, appeals to lower- and middle-class voters with his strong support for issues such as raising the minimum wage, reducing student debt and mandatory vacation and sick leave. The closest margin so far earned by the Vermont Senator. His latest ad, “America”, shows off his massive rallies and a genial image of the 74-year-old lawmaker to the tune of the famous 1968 song by Simon and Garfunkel. Voters also thought Sanders (57 percent) would do more to help the middle class, while only 30 percent thought Clinton would.

Additionally, the poll found that Iowans now trust Sanders over Clinton on the economy by 22 points (58% to 36%).

In New Hampshire, Clinton is broadcasting an ad particularly targeted in the media markets of southern New Hampshire and suburban Boston where Scala said Clinton will need to motivate voters to win the primary.

“I think Bernie is more of a Howard Dean than a Barack Obama”, said Buffy Wicks, a veteran of the Dean and Obama campaigns.

The ad hasn’t aired a single time in Iowa over the past month. More than half the overall public has an unfavorable view of Clinton, and that has been true in the poll for a while.

He’s offered similar criticism on the campaign trail.

Clinton has aired one broadcast TV spot aimed exclusively at gun control in Iowa but only sparingly.


She said the Iranian government still engages in a variety of concerning behaviors, including supporting terror, backing Syrian President Bashar Assad and destabilizing the region.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vt. speaks at the Fort Museum Opera House in Fort Dodge Iowa. Sanders is attracting Americans who are in search of more than a protest vote. Yes Sanders’ backers