
Divisive Fetal Tissue Donations: Planned Parenthood Chief moves in direction

As ghastly as this is, let’s not forget that in recent years, workers in Planned Parenthood clinics around the country have been exposed on video lying about their procedures, covering up sexual abuse of children, promoting sex-selective abortion and helping facilitate the sex-trafficking of innocent women.


The committee requested that Planned Parenthood and its affiliates “preserve and retain all documents relating or referring to the collection, sale, and/or donation of fetal tissue”.

The pro-life group Center for Medical Progress covertly recorded the video of Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola.

Sen. James Lankford was on the verge of tears Thursday as he addressed his colleagues about Planned Parenthood’s controversial abortion methods exposed in an undercover video.

For the pro-choice advocates, that is a big difference. The Los Angeles Times, for example, shows no interest at all in whether Planned Parenthood’s “donations” of infant organs to for-profit entities are legal, yet suggests that the covert videographer “violated a California law which forbids recording a person without consent”. This is the selling of the organs of babies after they’ve been killed.

LISA DESJARDINS: The NewsHour reviewed the almost three-hour unedited video.

“GOP leaders, including most of the ’16 field, are tripping over themselves to attack PP because they think that’s how to win elections”, she continued.

“There have been many legitimate accusations leveled against Planned Parenthood…”, the letter read in part.

And women who donate pieces of their babies (and we still don’t understand how this happens, by default or proactively), according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, may ask for “reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue”. Their media response can be summed up in two words: “Move On”.

Planned Parenthood has reprimanded Nucatola and apologized for her “tone and statements”. Similar false accusations have been put forth by opponents of abortion services for decades. Donohue then commented, “Yes, he said, by depersonalizing them, he was able to murder Jews with the same lack of conscience as a sociopath”. Planned Parenthood boss Cecile Richards is a regular and honored guest on MSNBC, and host Lawrence O’Donnell even told her he’d nominate her to be America’s ambassador to the United Nations. It is worth reiterating that taxpayers, in part, fund this abortion industry.

But the people at Planned Parenthood are a more subtle and therefore more unsafe challenge to our humanity.

Every time anti-abortion legislators seek to reduce the number of abortions being done, abortion activists decry them as totalitarian monsters whose primary objective is to subjugate women and send them to back-alley butchers.


But the current controversy should raise another question in the minds of all Americans: If the grumsome practice of selling the body parts of aborted preborn babies is so repulsive that it must not be tolerated, why is the practice of abortion tolerated? In the case of the misshapen monster, we can run away from it. In the case of the banal, everyday form of a health care worker – a doctor who munches on salad like the rest of us – we don’t have that same instinct.

Rep. Fred Upton wants Nucatola’s briefing this month