
Can ‘Peach’ Be The New ‘It’ Social Network?

Aside from the concept itself, the app’s sudden popularity is being attributed mostly to its founder, Dom Hoffman. Peach encourages you to share even if you have nothing to share, just tap on the light bulb icon and Peach asks you questions and suggests new ideas.


Since its debut, Peach has captured the attention of early adopters and technology bloggers, and a few brands have tried out the app already-Merriam Webster, CNBC, and The Washington Post are among them. Instead of complicated menus, you perform actions with the help of magic words. Some say it’s dumb, some say it’s great, and a lot say something in between.

We’re not quite sure what Peach expects you to do when you have a ton of friends on the service, since you won’t be able to see everything they’ve recently posted at once-just the most recent activity they’ve done, which appears under their name in your friends list. Peach messaging app allows you to use magic words in order to update your feed. You can create and share doodles with the magic word “draw”. Type “Draw” and you can draw a picture.

Users can “heart” friends’ posts, but the app does not contain any main page or newsfeed like Facebook or Twitter.

The social networking app Peach launched last week, and as often happens on the Internet, it enjoyed a sudden viral moment of fame and excitement.

Peach, a space for friends is a social platform created by Byte Inc. Whereas the technical issues were only reported as the massive influx of users affected the app on Friday, people with global phone numbers will have to wait until the next release to find their friends without complications. Hence, you kinda need your mates involved to have any actual fun.

– Use “song” to share whatever’s playing right now.

If you wish to add your real friends on the app’s list of friends, you’re in for a big challenge as Peach won’t allow you to use your friend and followers’ list from other social media platforms.


While the messaging app now appears to have become the latest flavor of the month, it remains to be seen if it will stand the test of time, especially alongside numerous other competitors, such as Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Hangouts, Viber, Line etc. However, according to Team Peach, the iOS version is merely “Phase 1” and the clever kids are cooking up an Android version in the very near future. While Byte was a complex creative tool, Peach takes a more simplified approach for social networking.

What is Peach, the New Free-Form Social Media App?