
Sanders has narrower lead over Clinton in New Hampshire

Hillary Rodham Clinton didn’t run a very good presidential campaign in 2008 when she was soundly defeated by then Senator Barack Obama and now history may be repeating. After performing her hit song “Confident”, Lovato said: “I don’t think there’s a woman more confident than Hillary Clinton”.


“I sometimes wonder whether those who are so adamantly opposed to the fundamental freedom to make your own choices on this most personal of issues are just unaware, ignorant, opportunistic, cynical”, she said.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says though many of Vermont Sen. “Sometimes it can sound like he really hasn’t thought it through”.

In the interview, Sanders dismissed Clinton campaign criticism, first raised by Chelsea Clinton a week ago in New Hampshire, that he wanted to dismantle the Affordable Care Act as part of his single-payer plan.

A series of polls have shown the race in the New Hampshire primary favoring Sanders, the Vermont senator who has made a concerted effort to solidify his base in the state by spending over a month campaigning.

Clinton is still leading Sanders in the RealClearPolitics average of Iowa polls by 4.7 points, but recent polls have found that the Democratic presidential race has tightened considerably since the autumn.

For 32 years, there has been a Democratic debate after the Iowa caucuses, this year set for February 1, and before the New Hampshire primary, the letter says. Among them, 60 percent said they would back Sanders compared to just 24 percent who said they would back Clinton.

“He had his moment and he blew it”, Trump said at an event in a casino in Las Vegas Thursday after a reading a series of polls showing him surging in states around the country.

But Sanders is chipping away at her lead in other polls.

Sanders’ candidacy has channeled voter frustration with the status quo, and while Clinton acknowledged that in her remarks, she also warned voters not to jeopardize what had already been accomplished.

During Sanders’ rise in the summer, Clinton’s campaign largely avoided criticizing Sanders out of fear that would alienate his liberal supporters who will be important to the Democratic nominee this fall.

The former secretary of state added that she spoke “to so many different groups” after leaving the Obama administration in 2013.


Jake Sullivan, Clinton’s senior policy adviser and a lead negotiator on the Iran deal, challenges Sanders’ call for normalize relations with Iran. “And maybe Bernie’s theories have enabled her to step a little more to the left in what she talks about”.

Sen. Bernie Sanders seen here at an event in New Hampshire on Thursday is in Iowa this weekend for a spree of campaign stops