
Bush slams Trump at Republican forum

And you noted, and many people have remarked, that the Mike Murphy-run superPAC, which is a Jeb Bush supporting superPAC, has dumped millions against you.


The next time you, the likely Iowa Republican caucusgoer, pick up the phone, it may be former first lady Barbara Bush on the line.

It all began when Bush released an ad that features his mom Barbara Bush uttering a thinly veiled attack against Trump.

“For me, it’s much easier if I’ve seen people, listened to people, talked to people, because sound bites are not a way to make a judgment”, Byers said, adding that she’d just missed Cruz when he was in the state Friday.

“I think he’ll be a great president”, she concludes in the ad titled “A Message from Barbara Bush”.

Deirdre Byers, an undecided voter from Hales Location township about two hours north of the Nashua event, said she’d been to nine presidential campaign events, and was looking forward to hearing from Kentucky Sen.

After hanging back for a while and weighing the other presidential candidates, deeply considering their perspectives and who would be right for this country, Barbara Bush has chose to endorse her son Jeb!

That the former president is popular in the United States is a relatively new phenomenon. The former Florida governor has embraced the title of being the “anti-Trump” in the race in an effort to coalesce voters around him who also want to knock the real estate titan out of his frontrunner status.

Bush then responded again: “I’d be careful Donald”. It looks like Jeb Bush isn’t getting much attention, even after the “mommy” advertisement. Bush, in turn, has called Trump a “jerk” with a propensity for alienating virtually everyone.

Jeb Bush also hinted at the possibility of his brother, former President George W. Bush, reappearing on the campaign trail in the days leading up to the New Hampshire primary.


While Trump has all the money he could ever dream of because of his self-funded campaign, Cruz has had to raise the money himself, and now that his chances are getting better every day, more are willing to give to his campaign.

Jeb Bush Raps Promises of 'Free stuff,&#039 Backs Path to Citizenship