
Did David Bowie name ‘Blackstar’ album after his own cancer lesion?

People are remembering today what a phenomenal musician David Bowie was, and of course that was the case.


Billboard magazine, which publishes the benchmark United States chart, said sales of “Blackstar” were forecast to surpass those of Adele’s blockbuster “25”, which has spent seven weeks at number one. “I really had to think about that”, he said.

Bowie became one of the most influential figures in British pop culture with seminal albums such as Space Oddity and Heroes.

The annual music awards ceremony will honour the “visionary and ground-breaking pioneer” – who died of cancer aged 69 on Sunday (10.01.16) – in a “fitting” way, Brits chairman Max Lousada has confirmed.

“David always did it his way and his way was the least obvious way”, said Tony Visconti, Bowie’s longtime producer.

“His death was no different from his life – a work of art. He made Blackstar for us, his parting gift”.

Read Lorde’s full, deeply-moving post below, where she talks at length about how Bowie inspired her to embrace her “spiky strangeness”.

Over the last few years – with him living in NY and me in London – our connection was by email. “In acknowledgement, the lights on this particular, peculiar little theater will be lowered for a while”, Costello wrote on Facebook, while hailing “a truly great artist, attractive melodist and elegant gentleman”.

MICK Jagger has paid tribute to “true original” David Bowie.

Fans around the nation are mourning the loss of David Bowie, and they’re also sparing many thoughts for the family he left behind.

“It was the most incredible experience of my life and since then I pledged to see him again one day however he has hardly toured since”.

Along with the rest of the world, who have been mourning the trail-blazing legend since news of his death yesterday, Wakeman said he was “shell-shocked”.


After his death was announced on Monday, Madonna wrote: “His music was always inspiring but seeing him live set me off on a journey that for me I hope will never end”.

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