
Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Antisemitism in the GOP Race

Trump said in his campaign speech at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa.


Mr. Cruz was campaign Saturday with Mr. Beck in Iowa.

Donald Trump told a crowd in Sioux City on Saturday that he could “shoot somebody” and not lose traction with voters.

And, she says, Trump will not disappoint Texas supporters drawn by his blunt talk and unorthodox, controversial positions.

Ted Cruz, who is his primary rival here in Iowa, as well as conservative radio personality Glenn Beck, who is campaigning with Cruz in the state today.

“I don’t intend to go into the gutter”, Cruz said. The two are slugging it out ahead of the Iowa caucuses on February 2.

“The people. My people are so smart, and you know what they say about my people?”

Most legal experts have agreed with Cruz’s assessment, but the issue has never been settled in federal court, and Trump noted Saturday that he would have legal standing to sue Cruz over the issue as an opponent for the Republican presidential nomination.

The Iowa senator declined to answer questions about his attendance at the rally, merely saying “I’m just here” and “I just want to beat Hillary” when the press shouted questions at him.

At a First In The Nation forum for candidates in Nashua, New Hampshire, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was notably withering in his criticism of Trump, calling him a fake conservative with a liberal past and a tendency to insult people.

Beck appeared at an Ankeny, Iowa, rally with Cruz on Saturday along with Rep. Steve King and socially conservative activists Bob Vander Plaats and David Barton.

Reprising one of his main attacks against Cruz, Trump tried to stoke doubts about whether the senator’s birth in Canada, albeit to an American mother, might disqualify him for the presidency. Can you imagine if I did it? A CNN/ORC poll has Trump up in Iowa with 37 percent to 26 percent for Cruz, who has led in some other Iowa polls.

Should we even be surprised any more? I think record matters.


Keith Sheldon of Argyle, managing partner of Grand Prairie Ford, says he became a Trump fan more than 30 years ago when he read the billionaire’s autobiographical The Art of the Deal after it hit bookshelves in 1987.

Senator Lindsey Graham campaigns alongside Sen. John Mc Cain in Hudson New