
Trump welcomes a senator, bashes Beck’s support of Cruz

Mr Trump, 69, has the support of 34 per cent of the likely Republican primary voters against 20 per cent for Mr Cruz.


De Blasio said Trump’s comment that he could “shoot somebody” on the city’s famous 5th Avenue and not lose support was inappropriate at a time when lawmakers are trying to “deal with the scourge of gun violence”.

Reached by CNN immediately after the event, Trump declined to clarify the statement.

My advice is that the other candidates must get behind a single candidate who is a gentleman, experienced and qualified to be president rather than the likes of a divisive, irresponsible, egomaniac Trump or the risky Tea Party Cruz.

On the Democratic side, the Register picked Hillary Clinton, the Register picked Hillary in Y 2008 over the freshman Senator from Illinois, Barack Hussein Obama. And you know what else they say about my people?

Among Iowa Republicans who have actually caucused before, Trump’s lead is much smaller. On Twitter, he remarked on the rally, saying, “Just left Sioux Center, Iowa”.

Earlier in the day, Mr Trump unveiled his latest campaign ad aimed at Mr Cruz and focused on illegal immigration.

Booker is one of several elected officials campaigning for Clinton in Iowa in the final days before the state’s February 1 caucuses.

Trump also says he’d love to see former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg enter the race.


Beck said he had never endorsed a presidential candidate in his 40 years of broadcasting, but he made an exception because of the urgency of the moment. And Bloomberg would have to actually launch an independent bid for president, something he threatened to do on Saturday.

Trump welcomes a senator, bashes Beck's support of Cruz