
Christie lauds New Jersey’s blizzard response

Christie, however, said the flooding wasn’t as bad as it could have been. “Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), a fellow Republican presidential hopeful, about the blizzard pummeling the East Coast shows that Rubio is not cut out to be president”.


“Fourteen people died across the country, and that shows a real immaturity from Senator Rubio to be joking as families were freezing in the cold, losing power and some of them losing their loved ones”, Christie said Sunday when asked about Rubio’s joke on CNN’s State of the Union.

Chris Christie says his campaign for the presidency – not his job performance – is to blame for his low approval ratings in his home state.

Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is back in New Hampshire after leaving the campaign trail as a historic blizzard battered the region and flooded parts of the Jersey Shore.

“Folks in New Hampshire need to understand that you need to have your vote…be more than just an expression of anger”, Christie said.

The Florida senator and his supporters have attacked aspects of Christie’s administration in New Jersey, citing his support for certain gun control measures and some of his state’s fiscal problems.

Rubio had said that the upside of this weekend’s snowstorm, which dumped about two feet of snow on Washington, D.C., was that it would freeze President Obama’s veto pen.

“I think that he’s someone who is a good decision-maker, [who has dealt] with some catastrophic events others haven’t”, said Kate Firczuk, a retired teacher who attended the Portsmouth town hall. He had returned to New Jersey on Friday as the snowstorm approached and left Sunday after holding a briefing on the clean-up. There had been no fatalities in New Jersey related to the weather, Mr. Christie said, and public transit was expected to be back to normal by Monday’s morning commute.


“This is my 17th snow emergency … so I know how to do this”, he told reporters Saturday, saying he’d remain in the state on Saturday to travel around and survey damages, reports Politico.

Christie doesn't plan to leave campaign trail, return to N.J. for snowstorm