
Trump asks if he should sue Cruz ‘just for fun’

He also holds a lead in some polls in the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire with the Iowa caucuses just days away on February 1.


Trump then says immigrants are “pouring in” and “doing tremendous damage if you look at the crime, if you look at the economy”.

Rep. Steve King, an Iowa Republican and conservative firebrand, and Iowa social conservative leader Bob Vander Plaats encouraged local Republicans to unite behind Cruz.

“We need a new George Washington”, Beck said.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivers the convocation at the Vines Center on the campus of Liberty University, Jan. 18, 2016, in Lynchburg, Va.

“Beck continued, quoting Trump, “‘I could go onto Fifth Avenue and shoot people and I wouldn’t lose a vote.’ He has joked about killing reporters – and “not” killing reporters like Putin does”. It is not a sign of strength when you say that a POW was a loser because they got caught. This week, Trump was endorsed by Sarah Palin, the woman who essentially paved the way for the businessman turned reality TV show personality to seize control of the campaign trail.

Whereas Beck charged that “There is one thing to have a healthy ego, there is another to give a man who believes those kind of things, who has a habit of anyone who stands in his way of destruction”. Ted Cruz of Texas, 34 percent to 20 percent.

Traditional Republican candidates like Jeb Bush, whose father and brother have both served as president, have fallen by the wayside in the polls.

Nine days from the first nominating contest in Iowa, however, it was Republican rival Marco Rubio who won the endorsement Saturday from the Des Moines Register, the state’s biggest and most influential newspaper.

“And I wouldn’t even complain because he was born in Canada”, Trump said.

A young girl read scripture during Trump’s visit, after which the candidate reached over to shake her hand.

Less than a month later, at a rally in Las Vegas, multiple protesters were escorted from the audience as a cacophony of Trump supporters shouted out phrases including “He’s a Muslim”, “Sieg heil” and “Light the motherfucker on fire”, according to NBC News. The issue includes a devastating editorial that calls Trump a threat to conservatism, as well as essays by almost two dozen prominent conservatives who oppose Trump’s candidacy.


Her endorsement Tuesday at a rally in Iowa came as Trump tried to shore up support with the party’s most conservative voters.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Sioux Center Iowa