
Ted Cruz Campaign Releases Glorious New Iowa Ad Bashing Donald Trump

The pair of anti-Trump ads come with a week to go until the first-in-the-country caucuses in Iowa, where Cruz and Trump are locked in a tight race. The Cruz response according to CNN continues the effort to define himself as the principled Conservative and Trump as an enabler of compromise.


Mr. Trump said Mr. Cruz is telling “lies” and defended the use of eminent domain.

A recent spate of surveys have shown Trump enjoying significant leads over Cruz in New Hampshire. Ted Cruz, who notches 19 percent support in the poll. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. before he spoke at a campaign event, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016 in Des Moines, Iowa.

No other Republican White House hopeful received more than 7 percent of the vote.

Some of the criticisms Trump has unleashed on Cruz, including questioning Cruz’s commitment to stopping illegal immigration in a new ad, seem to be working.

But behind the scenes, Cruz’s campaign was on the air with an ad assailing Trump over his business practices, while a super PAC supporting Cruz unleashed its own ads criticizing Trump.

The poll was conducted January 20-24 among 444 likely GOP primary voters, with a margin of error at plus or minus 4.6 percentage points, and the Democratic side included 408 likely Democratic voters, with a margin of error of 4.8 percentage points.

Sanders has been aggressive in responding not only to Clinton but to her husband, former President Bill Clinton, who has also questioned whether Sanders could win the general election. That represented one of the first major moves of Cruz’s various backing PACs, which lay relatively dormant for months, even after raising nearly $40 million in the first half of 2015.

In a national CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday, Trump clocked an impressive 41 percent support of likely Republican voters, with two thirds of those polled predicting he wins the nomination. “I think Ted is more strident than Obama”.


Cruz holds an edge over Trump among tea party members, evangelical Christians and self-described “very conservative” voters. Then BOOM he endorses Hillary for President in 2007 saying, “Hillary always surrounds herself with great people, I think she’d do a great job.” HUH?

Donald Trump