
Maine governor says he wants to use the guillotine on drug dealers

“I think the death penalty should be appropriate for people who kill Mainers”, LePage told WVOM, Politico reported.


Maine Gov. Paul LePage said on Tuesday that penalties for drug traffickers are not harsh enough, suggesting that the state should reinstate the death penalty and bring back the guillotine so there could be public executions of serious offenders. LePage even said that he might want to spice it up a little by letting citizens attend the public execution so that they could guess where the head would fall.

However, this whole debate is a bit moot, as the death penalty has been illegal in ME since 1887, after a man sentenced to death by hanging was slowly strangled.

Later in the news conference, LePage said, “If I slipped up and used the wrong word, I apologize to all the Maine women”. All executions in the state have been for murder or treason.

The Republican governor, known for his controversial statements, was speaking on local radio Tuesday about combating the drug epidemic in his state.

He’s always been adamant that the four year minimum for drug dealing was always way too lenient. “We’ve got to go 20 years, we’ve got to keep them here until they die”, he added.

Also please note that I’m pretty sure this interview occurred on the George Hale and Ric Tyler Show, but I’m not a regular listener so if I messed that up, please let me know, George Hale and/or Ric Tyler.

“I was going impromptu and my brain didn’t catch up to my mouth”, LePage said. “It makes no sense”.

The House two weeks ago failed to muster support for a vote on an investigation that could have led to impeachment for alleged abuse of power.

The town hall forum was hosted by WVII-TV at Husson University, the governor’s alma mater.


New Jersey governor Chris Christie has received an endorsement from his fellow governor in the north, and said he didn’t think LePage’s flubs were a big deal a few weeks ago.

Maine governor suggests bringing back guillotine