
Ohio governor hitting road again for presidential events

Kasich already has the endorsement of one statewide candidate, Republican state Auditor Dave Yost.


Protesters around the state fought back against Senate Bill Five, passed in early 2011 by the Republican dominated legislature, and signed by Governor Kasich.

The video goes on to make the case that the Republican Party needs another presidential candidate to enter the field, and focuses on Kasich’s experiences in Congress and as governor of Ohio. Spending by New Day for America, the nonprofit group supporting Kasich’s presidential bid, backs up that claim. Mr. Kasich, the married father of twin daughters, views many issues through the prism of his Protestant faith, framing his mission to help “people who live in the shadows” as a moral imperative.

Matt David has been hired to work for Kasich’s “527” group, New Day for America, according to the Columbus Dispatch.

He has scheduled town hall events in New Hampshire next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It’s a forum Republicans say will showcase Kasich’s strength as a charismatic, no-nonsense straight-shooter.

He has told those who question his Medicaid stance that “when you die and get to the meeting with St. Peter, he’s probably not going to ask you much about what you did about keeping government small. He’s going to get a look”.

Mr. Bush has a more cerebral approach, while Mr. Kasich “has a tendency to wear his emotions on his sleeve”, Mr. Weber said.

Team Kasich is betting that his unapologetic and unconventional style will win over skeptical Republicans and bring new Independent voters into the fold. I think that organized labor, when it’s motivated, can be very powerful.


When the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that same-sex marriage was to be legalized throughout the country, Ohio Gov. John Kasich said he would abide by the ruling.

Ohio governor hitting road again for presidential events