
Man arrested with 2 handguns at Disneyland Paris hotel

The man, who is of European origin, was carrying two low-calibre handguns, according to an Interior Ministry official, while a police source said he also had ammunition.


The man’s girlfriend has also been arrested, but was unarmed, according to French media.

They come as France remains on edge and under a state of emergency after Islamic extremist attacks around Paris in November that killed 130 people.

Police arrested the suspect and secured his vehicle.

The man, who was reportedly unknown to police and the intelligence services, did not resist and was arrested by police at around noon local time, France Inter radio said.

Disneyland Paris is among Europe’s most popular tourist destinations. We’re just glad security was on alert.

A woman has been detained at Disneyland Paris after her partner was seized with guns and the Koran, police said.

Nobody was hurt in the incident, which happened at the entrance to the four-star New York Hotel.

The couple were detained after they casually walked into a prominent hotel of the theme park, where metal detectors caught the presence of unsafe materials within their luggage.

The park has remained open on Thursday despite the arrest.


Paris was struck by series of terrorist attacks on November 13.

Man arrested with two handguns at Disneyland Paris