
Open enrollment for health insurance marketplace ends Sunday

The deadline to get health insurance coverage through Your Health Idaho is just days away.


The third enrollment season for President Barack Obama’s signature health care law began in November. The Department of Health and Human Services has noted that the majority of those enrolling in insurance exchanges also receive federal subsidies.

The figures that are being mentioned include people signing up both as newcomers as well as those that are automatically re-enrolled in their previous plans. “As this deadline approaches, it’s more important than ever to reach out to customers without coverage and educate them about signing up”.

For help igning up for health insurance, call a health insurance marketplace navigator at 903-535-7303 or 903-535-7310. The penalty for uninsured children will rise to $347.50 per child with a household maximum of $2085. The fee is $325 per person or 2 percent of your annual household income – whichever is higher Next year the fee will increase to $695 or 2.5 percent of your income – whichever is higher A tool is available on to help determine if you qualify for an exemption. This is somewhat higher than the penalty was in 2015.

A Kaiser Family Foundation analysis found that the average penalty for a family this year is about $1,000.

Last year, SIHF helped 4,700 Southern Illinois residents secure the insurance they needed.

The sharp increase in penalties is part of the way to sway young, healthier people to enroll for insurance.

While short-term or limited benefit medical plans may be a good choice for some consumers, such as those seeking temporary stopgap coverage between open enrollment periods, they differ from major medical insurance plans.


Texas continues to be a focus in Washington, D.C., as the state continues to lead the nation in both the number and rate of uninsured.

Health insurance deadline looming