
Campaigning in style: How Jeb Bush blew through his war chest

Rubio argued during the debate that he can be trusted on immigration, and said his first priority on the issue was keeping ISIS out of the country. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), saying he doesn’t “understand how anybody with IQ above plant life would honestly think we would be better off if we let government have all the private property and the government would dole out what it thought we should have. It’s Jesus Christ who came down to earth and died for our sins”, Rubio responded. Vander Plaats is noted to be one of the most influential Iowan politician, whose endorsement is seen as essential to every candidate aiming to win the state. Why do Americans contribute millions of dollars to charity?


“As it relates to the super PACs, I have no control over that, and this is beanbag compared to what the Clinton hit machine is going to do to the Republican nominee”, he said.

“It is because in this nation, we are influenced by Judeo-Christian values that teach us to care for the less fortunate, to reach out to the needy, to love our neighbor”. Now, the world is dimming a little because of Barack Obama.

The youthful Florida senator, who has stolen the establishment thunder from his mentor, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in the 2016 Republican presidential primary, chided the GOP’s top two contenders: front-runner Donald Trump for throwing a fit over Fox News’ refusal to drop anchor Megyn Kelly from Thursday’s debate, and Texas Sen. Raised Catholic, he was baptized as a Mormon when he was a child after his family moved to Nevada and also attended an evangelical megachurch for a time, though he now identifies as a Catholic again.


Marco Rubio (left) and Jeb Bush will be barnstorming Iowa over the next few days. Mr. Cruz subsequently challenged Mr. Trump to a one-on-one debate anytime before the Iowa caucuses on Monday.

Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush speaks to to a group of Nationwide Insurance employees as part of a company speaker series at offices in Des Moines Iowa on Wednesday