
Remembering Apollo 11: Crowdsourcing to restore Armstrong space suit

Considered as the most important event of the 20 century, the moon landing has been subjected to a lot of speculations as a hoax and that it never happened despite all the TV footages that proved it otherwise.


The speech emphasizes that Armstrong and Aldrin’s tragic fate will not be the end of space exploration as it expresses confidence that humankind will be able to safely visit the moon and still be able to come home in the future. Depending on how much they pledge, Kickstarter backers will also receive goodies such as digital posters, mission patches, T-shirts, a 3D scan of Neil Armstrong’s glove, and a boot print decal from the Apollo 11 mission. The photos of the landing were broadcast to 600 million individuals on Earth, even if a good number of technical difficulties were experienced.

As they continued with their work Collins, who had remained on board the command module Columbia, told Nasa mission control that he had successfully completed an orbit of the moon. “These courageous men, Neil Armstrong and Edward Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery”.

When Aldrin followed Armstrong to step out of the lunar module, he could only mutter, “Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, a magnificent desolation”, upon seeing what was around the moon, according to New York Daily News.

The astronauts collected some lunar soil samples, installed the US Flag and took an image of planet Earth. The crew launched July 16, 1969, landing on the lunar surface on July 20 and crashing into the Pacific Ocean on July 24.


The campaign begins Monday, marking 46 years since Armstrong’s moonwalk in 1969.

Neil Armstrong walks on the moon