
Celebrate the Lunar Landing with Out of This World Tank Combat

The first Moon step of Neil Armstrong’s was considered to be man’s most significant accomplishment in the 20th century.


Activities leading up to the launching of the flight indicated the mission could have been aborted, and even Neil Armstrong expressed doubts about a successful landing on the moon – revealing the chances were 50/50.

The lack of an Apollo 11 flag is consistent with Aldrin’s memory of the famous mission.

While Collins piloted the command spacecraft alone in lunar orbit, the other two astronauts completed a set of actions in the surface of the moon. At least 600 million people saw the moon landing photos, and a number of technical difficulties were faced by scientists at that time.

Twenty minutes later, having switched on cameras fitted to the module, Armstrong stepped down onto the Moon’s surface, uttering the memorable line: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Aldrin handed Armstrong a white bag known as a “jettison bag,” or “jett bag” for short, full of things the astronauts no longer needed-the banal detritus of spaceflight, from food wrappers to containers of human waste.

When Aldrin followed Armstrong to step out of the lunar module, he could only mutter, “Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, a magnificent desolation”, upon seeing what was around the moon, according to New York Daily News.

They also unveiled a plaque bearing President Nixon’s signature and an inscription reading: “Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon July 1969 AD. We came in peace for all mankind”. 9They returned to Earth on the 24 day of July taking a splash on the Pacific Ocean.


So, it was 46 years back, when the milestone was achieved.

Celebrate the Lunar Landing with Out of This World Tank Combat