
Two new polls say Clinton has small lead over Sanders

Clinton said she wanted DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to approve the debate and for Sanders to join her. But both have resisted. Then we’re going to New Hampshire. “I’m perfectly fine with that”, Clinton told the news channel. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to debate before the New Hampshire primary. Bernie Sanders, and right now, his campaign is acting like a frontrunner who is trying to dodge a debate.


Former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley is a distant third in Democratic polls.

The discussion was sparked by an interview Obama gave to Politico’s Glenn Thrush in which the president purportedly could not hide his obvious affection for Clinton or the feeling she best understands the demands of the White House.

Clinton said on Wednesday that she was “anxious” to debate more.

Sanders, meanwhile, said Thursday that he’ll win the Iowa caucus if the turnout at his events translate to turnout at caucuses.

MSNBC and the New Hampshire Union Leader announced plans earlier this week to host a debate not sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee on February 4, after the Iowa caucuses on February 1 and before theFeb. In his closing argument, Bush said the United States desperately needed a conservative leader as the president.

“I regret we didn’t get health care back in 1993 or ’94, because we’d really be much further down the road”, she says. Many critics say that Democratic debates have been scheduled at times, such as weekends and near holidays, when fewer people are likely to tune in. The Clinton campaign has said that if all three campaigns agree to participate in the debate, the DNC would have to sanction it. “I think the DNC and the campaigns should be able to work this out”.

The Senator, who is gearing up to take on Clinton in the upcoming primaries, said he discussed a broad range of issues with the president including the Daesh (ISIL) Takfiri group, as well as Iran and other points of foreign policy. “Secretary Clinton has not”, Sanders’ campaign manager Jeff Weaver said in a statement.


“This may be the only man that can come up through the system, through the pipelines unscathed, unsold and pure and we now have the opportunity to make that man our choice for the President of the United States”, Sarandon told the large crowd.

Bernie Sanders Did Not Ask For President Obama's Endorsement In White House Meeting