
U.S. marks 46 years since Apollo 11 moon landing

In the annals of space flight there has been nothing – so far – more cool or terrifying than Neil Armstrong’s landing on the Moon. So in honor of National Moon Day-which, yes, is an actual unofficial holiday-we have a great tune to download about Earth’s own natural satellite. This is the anniversary of the takeoff and landing of the spaceflight Apollo 11 on the moon – and also the date the families of the astronauts attended church – perhaps to pray for their loved ones out there in space.


As the video above recalls, the two men, who along with command module pilot Michael Collins made up the crew of the Apollo 11 mission, landed in the Sea of Tranquillity in their Eagle lunar module at 2.56am BST.

“OK, i´m going to step off the LEM (Lunar Module) now”.

The line, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” made famous by Armstrong as he steps out of the Apollo 11 spacecraft still echoes as historic as it was then, until today. They got lunar soil samples, placed the U.S flag, the Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package (EASEP), two drawings of the Earth (Western and Eastern Hemisphere), an inscription, and signatures of the astronauts and President Nixon.

Audio of Armstrong and Aldrin landing on the moon here. We came in peace for all mankind.


Astronaut Neil Armstrong reported to Mission Control that he and Edwin Aldrin Jr. reached the moon. They returned via the Pacific Ocean on July 24, 1969. “Bringing Armstrong’s spacesuit back not only helps honour the accomplishments of a generation who brought us from Earth to the Moon in less than nine years, it also inspires the next generation of bold space explorers”.

Celebrate the Lunar Landing with Out of This World Tank Combat