
Mosquitos with West Nile Virus in the County

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — The Mississippi Department of Health is confirming the first case of West Nile virus for 2015.


The Health Department only reports laboratory-confirmed cases to the public.

“We want people to know that while mosquitoes are active, the chance for West Nile Virus infection is there, nearly anywhere in California, and people should try to protect themselves from mosquito bites”, Dr. Cutler added. “So this is the time of year to be extremely vigilant when going outdoors”. WNV season typically goes from summer through the fall and occurs each year in the United States.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, all residents of areas where virus activity has been identified are at risk of getting West Nile encephalitis. In some cases, West Nile can result in encephalitis or meningitis, which can lead to paralysis, coma and possibly death. Symptoms of West Nile virus include fever, headache, body aches, nausea and sometimes swollen lymph glands or skin rash. They say if you need to be outside during this time, the simplest precaution is to wear light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts and long trousers, socks and a hat, and use an insect repellent containing DEET or Icaridin.


Avoid areas where mosquitoes are prevalent.

Nevada County resident dies of West Nile virus infection