
Susan Sarandon feels the ‘Bern’ in Iowa

The campaign also stipulated that none be held on a Friday, Saturday or holiday weekend, when the number of potential viewers typically dips. And all of the three Democratic candidates must be invited.


Clinton, who ran a third-place campaign in Iowa in 2008, is focusing more on delegate-rich cities and urban areas. “Any violation would result in forfeiture of the ability to participate in the remainder of the debate process”, the DNC announced in May.

Mr. Sanders was at 49 percent in the Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday, Mrs. Clinton was at 45 percent, and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley was at 4 percent. If the Clinton campaign agrees to his proposed schedule, the Sanders campaign will support next Thursday’s possible debate.

As it stands, the next DNC-sanctioned debate is February 11 in Wisconsin. But that doesn’t seem to be happening, as the issue is becoming more and more of a headache for Clinton. “And I really think he is going to continue on the work that Obama has done so far”.

“I’m ready for the debate and I hope Sen”.

“When you add it all up, Hillary Clinton can’t afford to limp across the finish line in Philadelphia”, he says, “especially not when Republicans are so well-prepared and her poll numbers are in such bad shape”.

Both Clinton and O’Malley said they would attend if all the candidates agreed, despite risking the ire of the Democratic National Committee, which has forbidden candidates from taking part in unsanctioned encounters.

Interviews with dozens of potential voters around the country reveal strong and opposing views about how – and whether – Clinton should be measured by how she dealt with her husband’s behavior. Even if Sanders builds momentum with wins in the overwhelmingly white states of Iowa and New Hampshire, that lead could evaporate quickly if he can’t attract more black voters in SC and the bulk of Southern states voting in March.

Donald Trump’s campaign doubled down on his feud with Fox News on Wednesday, complaining that the network has an “obsession” with attacking him and that its debate coverage promotes itself rather than focusing on issues. “So, I’m in. If the other candidates are in, you count me in”.

“Everything she has ever touched, she made something good happen”, he said.

“We’re sort of waiting on Bernie”, he said. “And I feel that wasn’t just a mistake, that was a disaster”.

“There’s only one person who is a proven changemaker on hostile territory”, the ex-president told a crowd of 325 in Iowa state, which holds its caucuses Monday, with his wife in a close race for the Democratic party’s presidential nod.


While Obama has not explicitly endorsed a candidate, he showered praise on Clinton’s experience in the interview with Politico while noting that Sanders had the “luxury of being a complete long shot”. “We were always concerned that this would have been the first time in 32 years without a Democratic debate before the New Hampshire primary”.

Bernie Sanders Did Not Ask For President Obama's Endorsement In White House Meeting