
Trump, Clinton still leading in new SC poll

Yet the DNC and its chairwoman, Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz – who co-chaired Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign – have refused to acquiesce, despite Clinton’s strong debate performances and accusations they’re shielding her from Sanders’ tougher-than-anticipated challenge.


Depending on which poll you consult, Sanders is ahead by several points or Clinton has a small edge.

The LGBT advocate has slammed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s record championing LGBT equality.

No response yet from the Clinton campaign or the DNC.

The Iowa caucuses – which are not an election – will be held on Monday February 1st, and so far Clinton and Sanders are within a couple of percentage points of one another.

The campaigns have had feisty exchanges as Iowa’s leadoff contest nears.

“There was some discussion the other day about a Politico interview where he (Obama) was tipping the scales towards Secretary Clinton”, Sanders told reporters after the 45-minute meeting.

When asked if he needs to win Iowa in order to secure the Democratic nomination, he called it “mythology”. “We then broke the results down for the self-described Democrats, independents, and Republicans who responded to our poll”.

Leaders of the powerful Culinary Workers Union in Las Vegas – which remains neutral in the race – condemned Sanders’ campaign staffers who falsely claimed an affiliation with the union as a way to gain access to its members at casino employee dining rooms.

Clinton said she wanted DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to approve the debate and for Sanders to join her. But both have resisted.

Dated January 20, 2016, the letter from Sanders’ doctor notes that he is in “overall very good health”.

“The debate over the debate is where it should be – in the hands of the three candidates”, Surdukowski said Wednesday.

The letter notes that Sanders has, over the years, been treated for conditions ranging from gout to hypothyroidism to diverticulitis.

After her rousing speech, Sarandon – whose son Miles is identifies as genderfluid – continued her praise for the “untainted” Sanders.


Sanders says he knows it won’t be an easy road to the White House, or if he makes it into office. “That’s giving up before you’ve even tried”, she said.

Bernie Sanders Did Not Ask For President Obama's Endorsement In White House Meeting