
Several Sydney Schools in Lockdown Over Threats

Melbourne, Feb 1 Police evacuated several schools in Sydney after bomb threats were received today across Australia’s largest city following an earlier series of threats that turned out to be hoaxes.


A precautionary police operation across a number of Sydney high schools is continuing after a phone threat was received.

‘Staff and police have searched both school buildings and nothing untoward was found.

Operations were still ongoing at nine schools on Monday afternoon with all schools following their emergency action plan, a NSW police spokeswoman said.

“As a precaution, a police operation is underway at a number of schools across Sydney”, a NSW Police spokesperson said. At this stage, police are treating these incidents as malicious calls’. It comes days after fake bomb threats caused hundreds to be evacuated in the city.

A spokesperson for the nearby Hunters Hill High School on Sydney’s north shore has confirmed the school is also in lockdown and following emergency protocol following a warning from security.

‘At this stage there is nothing to suggest there is any credible threat to any of the schools. According to local reports, the police operations have closed Cleveland Street and South Dowling Street in Moore Park.

In a statement, police said they were liaising with the Department of Education.

“Our response officers have been sent to the locations to ensure there is no threat to anyone’s safety and support the schools”.

The calls were made just after 8am and some of the schools were late starting lessons.

Pupils from Penrith High School being evacuated during last week’s bomb threat hoax.


Eight schools across the United Kingdom on Monday received bomb attack threats, including one attended by Pakistani teenage activist and Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai, prompting authorities to launch a probe.

Police operation underway at Sydney schools