
Trump, Sanders continue momentum in polls

In response to Sanders’ criticism, the Clinton campaign pointed out that she also met with African-American ministers in the city, prior to her fundraiser. Why is that? The answer is obvious. Adding another debate before New Hampshire’s February 9 primary would give her a large television audience that might help her reach undecided voters.


The camps for both Mrs. Clinton and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley have said they would be willing to participate in the debate next week in New Hampshire.

On the other side, Sanders has increased his lead among likely Democratic voters… he’s now ahead with 57% compared to Clinton with 38%.

After a press conference where he introduced legislation to close corporate profit reporting loopholes, Lesniak said that Sanders has shown himself to be a credible threat and, he believes, a good influence on Clinton as she adjusts her platform to compete. The dynamics of the race have changed and Sen.

If Clinton wins in the caucus, it would give her the momentum and speed when heading into New Hampshire, where she is barely behind Sanders.

Clinton’s pitch in the town of Adel came as a new poll showed Sanders leading Clinton by four percentage points among likely Democrat participants in Monday’s much-anticipated Iowa caucuses. “Why is that?” Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said in a statement. She led Sanders 64 percent to 27 percent there, drawing on her popularity with minority voters. The problem for the DNC is that they can’t ban all three candidates from the sanctioned debates. Second, we asked whether they would favor or oppose each of several specific, current candidates running.

The debate, should it happen, would not be one of the six contests originally sanctions by the DNC.

Clinton’s camp hasn’t formally responded to Sanders’ proposal, but extending the debate schedule into May would lengthen the primary campaign, a process Clinton still hopes will wrap up in March.


“We do not represent Wall Street, we don’t represent corporate America, we don’t want their money”, Sanders said. The White House, says Sanders and Obama first discussed holding this meeting at a White House Christmas party in late December and aides have been working on scheduling it since.

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