
Big 12 Media Days underway in Dallas

Speaking from the Omni Dallas Hotel in Dallas, Texas, Bowlsby noted that while there is some dissent among Big 12 presidents on the subject of expansion he believes that most Big 12 presidents and athletic directors are content with the conference’s current configuration of 10 schools. “I haven’t asked the other (conference) commissioners, but my guess is they are not getting frequent overtures”.


Big 12 commissioner Bob Bowlsby responded Monday to OU President David Boren’s comment last month calling the conference “psychologically disadvantaged” because of its size.

Detractors of the new rule will say the Big 12 doesn’t play defense anyway so this shouldn’t dramatically alter the landscape of the game and what we’re accustomed to on Saturday’s. “I think it’s the majority of our CEOs right now that believe likewise”.

Repeated contact has been shown to lead to increased head injuries and even long-term brain damage.

The Big 12 has gone one step beyond, creating a limit of two contact days – defined as tackling to the ground and helmet-to-helmet contact – with one during the week and one as game day.

But, the restrictions are sure to be used against the league in recruiting, with opposing coaches telling recruits that fewer full-contact practices will limit a player’s development, and ultimately effect his NFL draft status.

Previously, the conference allowed live contact three days per week. “We think that full round-robin is the right way to determine it”.

Bowlsby was grilled on whether such a unilateral policy puts the Big 12 at a competitive disadvantage. “I don’t think one year makes a trend”.

“There are those who believe we should get larger, and they feel strongly about it, ” he said. “It will continue to be a topic about which we spend at least a little time at every meeting talking about it”, he said.

We could see fresher bodies come the end of November because they haven’t been beating each other up all week in practice.


“We are choosing to manage it rather than prohibit it”, he said. “On the other hand, kids that have histories don’t seem to have too much problem finding a place that they can go and play college sports”, he said.

Big 12 teams will now only allow two days per week of contact