
Kasich to make presidential announcement today – The Daily Record | Wayne

Ohio, in fact, is known as a maker of presidents.


Mr Kasich tops many lists of potential vice-presidential nominees because of his experience and popularity in the crucial state of Ohio.

Kasich’s stance on the same-sex marriage ruling was tame compared to other Republican elected officials. But it’s a strategy with a limited upside.

He’s been one of the few Republican contenders to resist going after the chief Democratic prospect, Hillary Rodham Clinton, or President Barack Obama. The governor’s spokesman, Chris Schrimpf, rattled through the others in a phone call with Yahoo News on Monday. Unlike some of the others in the GOP cast of characters, his resume is impressive and he can boast of a record that seems rather formidable on paper.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) on Thursday took a dramatic step toward addressing the devastating toll the opioid epidemic has had on his state.

Democratic State Senator Charleta Tavares says she realizes Governor Kasich needs a security detail when he is working on state business. He’s hoping his 18 years in Congress, near-decade as a Lehman Brothers managing director and two terms as a swing-state governor will help him stand out. Neurosurgeon Ben Carson saw a 6-point bounce in his national polling after joining the race.

Communities and schools complained that cuts in state aid would force them to seek local tax increases. (Jeb Bush was not in public office at this time and as Florida governor did not have to address the question of Medicaid expansion.).

And last month, he launched a new campaign group, Kasich for America, and like-named website in advance of his formal candidacy declaration. Rick Santorum, South Carolina Sen. He formed an exploratory committee in 1999 to consider running in 2000.

His political unpredictability, late start and relatively meager fundraising make Kasich a distinct underdog in the GOP contest.

Kasich also announced that he has handed over some of his Twitter duties, which were apparently done by himself, over to his staff. He wrote.

Feeling empowered, Kasich asked flat out “can I go with you because I’d like to talk to him, too?” he said.

“He is uniquely qualified to lead the country”, Schrimpf said.

Still, Republican primary voters may not always be the best audience for such boasts. Walker then withstood massive protests and won a recall election.

Only the top 10 candidates, determined by who has the highest averages of the five most recent credible national polls, will get a spot in the first GOP debate for its 2016 primary season on August 6.

“I want to grow the American economy so all people can rise, and I want to restore the military strength of America”, Kasich said during a June 5 speech in New Hampshire. Maybe (former) Gov. (John) Sununu, his father.


– Bobby Jindal: The Louisiana governor, 44, is son of Indian immigrants.

Ohio governor signs bill aimed at reducing drug overdoses - Beaumont Enterprise