
Quantum Break for PC Got a Rating in Brasil

Currently, it is officially listed as an Xbox One release on April 6, but we might be getting official confirmation in the coming months of this latest rumor.


An age certification regulator in Brazil appears to have reviewed and rated a PC edition of Quantum Break, the upcoming time-manipulation action game from Finnish studio Remedy Entertainment. However, recent information has come to light to suggest that a PC version of the game may be in development as well. The rating was recently done on January 25th, 2016.

The rating page reveals drugs, “improper language”, and violence as some of the game’s themes. The board just notes that the game is not recommended for children under 16 to play.

Remedy Entertainment must make some pretty wonderful arguments when they are trying to convince Microsoft to let them make another exclusive game for their console.

Quantum Break is one the of most anticipated exclusives that is scheduled for release on the Xbox One this year. It’s smart, but often leaves one wondering why they own a PC and Xbox One at all. We saw this when Rise of the Tomb Raider was exclusive to Xbox One and Xbox 360.


The thing is that the guys from have spotted the Quantum Break for PC being investigated by the Brazil Advisory Rating Board. Analysts believes sales would have been higher if the PS4 had it at the same time.
