
What we know about the OR wildlife refuge standoff

The Federal Bureau of Investigation released video on Thursday of state police fatally shooting Finicum, and contended it showed him making a move for a gun in his coat pocket.


The FBI released full video of the stop along a snowy OR highway in which an Arizona rancher who had been holed up with other protesters at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was shot and killed. Theyve said they will only leave if given immunity from prosecution and are ready to die defending their position.

The clash began when Bundy and at least a dozen followers occupied a small group of buildings at the wildlife refuge on January 2, after a flare-up of the Sagebrush Rebellion – a decades-long conflict over federal control of millions of acres of land.

Barbara Berg, an occupation sympathizer, is comforted at a roadblock near the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge outside Burns, Oregon.

Protest leader Ammon Bundy, through his attorney, has called for an end to the stand off, saying people should take a step back in the light of a loss of life.

Bundy and others arrested have another federal court hearing scheduled for Friday afternoon.

Eleven people including Bundy have been arrested since Tuesday, when Robert “LaVoy” Finicum – the movement’s de facto spokesman – was shot dead near the town of Burns in a bloody twist to the drawn-out standoff with the federal government.

The video, shot from a helicopter, shows a vehicle being driven by Bundy stopped by police on a road. Ammon Bundy – the leader of the occupation – stepped out of one vehicle along with another protester, Brian Cavalier, and the driver, who has not been named. The truck almost struck an officer standing by the road. Video from a law enforcement aircraft shows him fleeing from authorities in a white truck, almost striking an officer while trying to evade a police barricade, then barreling into a deep snowbank and exiting the auto.

“He got out with his hands up in the deep snow”, Siegner said.

Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore claimed Ammon Bundy called his wife to say he watched Finicum shot to death on his knees or lying down – but none of those accounts appear to be accurate, based on video evidence, which seems to match accounts given by law enforcement.

He added: “Actions have consequences”. “The FBI and [Oregon State Police] tried to effect these arrests peacefully”.

– Bundy and some of the others are expected to plead for their release. Bundy, 43, and Cox, 59, were arrested and charged, and the unidentified woman was released. He did not identify her.

Bretzing said agents and troopers provided medical assistance to Finicum after they were confident they had addressed any further threats. “That happened about 10 minutes after the shooting”.

Bretzing said Finicum had a loaded 9mm semi-automatic handgun in that pocket.

In court Friday, Ammon Bundy described himself as a “federalist”.


They all face the same charge — conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties through the use of force. Three of the 11 were arrested Wednesday night when they left the refuge. The charges reference the wildlife refuge’s 16 employees, who have been unable to go to work due to the occupation.

LaVoy Finicum a rancher from Arizona who is part of the group occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge speaks with reporters during a news conference at the the refuge