
Kasich expected to announce presidential bid Tuesday

As he enters the race, Kasich needs to better his poll numbers to participate in the first national debate with Fox News next month. He staged a political comeback in 2010, narrowly defeating a once-popular Democratic incumbent to become Ohio governor.


As he looks to differentiate himself, his calling card may end up being his blunt and sometimes prickly style – which could be spun to present a straight-talking candidate, ready to break out of typical molds.

Kasich suggests other Republicans should be following his example if they want to take back the White House next year.

He established a “New Day for America” nonprofit group in April.

“He has a unique ability to connect with ordinary people”, said Rep. Pat Tiberi (R., Ohio), who worked for eight years as a Kasich aide on Capitol Hill.

“I’ve heard of Kasich yes but really don’t know much about him”, Goguen said.

Shortly after he was elected to his first term in November 2011, Ohio Governor John Kasich managed to do something the AFL-CIO had been trying to do for decades.

“If you don’t manage the debt, it’ll kill you”, Kasich said during a March stop in New Hampshire, pledging to “travel all over America” to promote his agenda.

Also this week, Kasich is expected to make trips to New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina and Michigan to try and whip up attention for the campaign.

The message: “I inherited a fiscal mess when I took office, but I’ve turned things around and now the state budget has a surplus”.

Nonetheless, the Ohio home-field advantage is a factor for Kasich.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed a bill into law Thursday expanding availability of a drug overdose antidote used across the state to save addicts on the brink of death.

Kasich is the 16th notable Republican to get into the race.

While Team Kasich probably didn’t intend for voters to have visions of Obamacare dancing through their heads every time they catch a glimpse of his logo, considering his great love for the federal healthcare mandate, it’s simply unavoidable.

Because for all of his focus on New Hampshire, GOP polls from last month showed Kasich with about the same performance in the Granite State as nationally: 2 percent.

“I think that’s all going to change soon”, he said.

The governor should announce that the state of Ohio will create a boarding school in Youngstown that will house at-risk children starting at an early age.

His state’s economic record is not as strong as the governor portrays it, contends David Pepper, the state’s Democratic Party chairman, said in a conference call with reporters on the eve of Kasich’s announcement. John Sununu of New Hampshire.


“On the very day Cleveland is working hard to address serious issues, Ohio’s sitting governor is 700 miles away, wining and dining with Republican big-wigs and donors”, Pepper said in a statement. He and his former wife did not have children.

Ohio Governor John Kasich is set to sign the bill that will appoint a CEO to head Youngstown schools later this evening