
John Kasich, in his own words

Ohioans have grown accustomed to Kasich’s sometimes raw, blunt-spoken style – sort of like the crank at the local coffee shop, said John Green, who teaches political science at the University of Akron. Only the top 10 contenders, as determined by an average of national polls, will make it on stage for the first Republican debate, just a couple weeks from now, and candidates are scrambling to make the cut.


The 63-year-old Republican has a resume tailor-made for presidential politics: elected twice statewide in battleground Ohio, worked in the private sector and served almost two decades in Congress, which included a six-year run as chairman of the House Budget Committee.

His mother Rasmia has also previously made allegations of physical abuse by her husband toward herself and the children. The film is part of New Day’s seven-figure media buy that Bloomberg Politics reported earlier this month.

More than 4,400 people have RSVP’d for Kasich’s launch rally, including talk show host Montel Williams, who tweeted a photo of himself with the governor Monday, saying: “Can’t afford amateur hour any longer”.

“It’s becoming clear that Kasich’s number-one priority is serving his presidential ambitions, not working for the people of Ohio”. He will leave Ohio State to campaign in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Michigan.

Kasich eschews tele-prompters, even for State of the State addresses of more than an hour.

While Mr. Kasich supported restricting the power of public employee unions in Ohio, he stood down after voters overturned his anti-collective-bargaining law.

Kasich is quite popular in Ohio but was at rock bottom following his first election as governor because of the political debacle of Senate Bill Five. (For what it’s worth, Kasich has indeed met the singer multiple times.).

Kasich has little name recognition in the crowded GOP field, but he is already airing television ads in New Hampshire.

“I think that’s all going to change soon”, he said.

Several themes from his second inaugural – produced by the same team that is staging Tuesday’s announcement – are likely to get another airing: personal responsibility, faith and teamwork.

Kasich has an answer ready for critics who contend his approach to governing does not line up with conservative principles.

Kasich doubtless benefits from Ohio’s economic recovery; while it’s debatable how much credit the governor deserves he boasts of turning an $8-billion deficit into a $1.5-billion surplus and brags of a significant drop in the jobless rate, to 5.2% in June. He will also be competing for news coverage with other low-polling Republicans trying to get noticed around the country. “I can’t figure out who it would be”.


He is in contention for the last two spots, it appears, along with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Sen. “But I’ll take young John”.

A new Ohio law makes it easier to get Narcan a potentially life-saving drug that stops the effects of a heroin overdose.                      WCPO