
Celebrity Big Brother’s Darren Day nominates Tiffany Pollard for eviction

She said: “I want people to see the real me”.


Housemates in the Celebrity Big Brother house nominated for the last time yesterday (January 31), and a trio of women will be facing the public vote before the big finale on Friday, February 5.

“I want to try and get singing lessons, I know that sounds daft, I want to travel and I want to try and get my own TV show”.

Gemma was already in a bad mood and had taken off her microphone in protest of the fact that the hot water had been cut off due to Stephanie telling the public to vote her out so that she could be with recently evicted housemate Jeremy.

Meanwhile, the United States star – who has since kissed fellow housemate Scotty T – made a decision to nominate Darren following their recent animosity.

Big Brother invited Gemma to the Diary Room for what seemed like an excuse to shower her with birthday wishes.

Taking the theme of destroying the day in their stride, John and Darren began a food fight in the store cupboard with the supplies to celebrate Collins’s big day. And when Tiffany gave a birthday speech all about herself, Gemma sat and smiled.

In the living area, Darren told her, “I know it’s been a s***** old day, so I’ve picked three songs for you, and picked all my songs, I think they are the best songs I’ve ever done”.

In particular, she’s unimpressed with Tiffany’s repeated attempts to flirt with her husband, telling him she found him “masculine” and “so sexy”.

The final chance to ruin her day was taken by Scotty T, who launched her birthday cake over the garden wall as the celebrities warbled happy birthday, to Collins’s visible amazement.

“This birthday I will never forget!” cheered Gemma.

‘CBB’ continues on Monday night at 9pm on Channel 5.


Inside the house the other contestants looked on jealously and Scotty T spoke for the nation when he asked: “Has the horse just had a blow dry by the same person as Gemma?”

Celebrity Big Brother: Scotty T hints at a possible singing career