
Helen Mirren decries drunk driving in Budweiser Super Bowl spot

Unlike its previous comical commercials, the new Budweiser spot is direct in its message that drunk driving is unacceptable and those who do it are “stupid”.


The “Notoriously frank and uncensored British lady” addresses the camera and audience from a restaurant table as where she is presumably enjoying a burger and a Budweiser with the opening line “The collective we are dumbfounded that people still drive drunk”.

The Oscar-winning actress then tells viewers to not be a “pillock” – an English phrase meaning fool – and drink responsibly. “Now, the chances are you’re a fun, solid, respectable human being”. “Your friends and family thank you, the friends and families of other drivers thank you, your future self thanks you”.

So Dame Helen Mirren, sitting at a table with a burger and a beer (?), is here to yell at you, you drunk driving idiot.

Budweiser USA have released their Superbowl 2016 commercial.

The campaign doesn’t stop with an ad, though.

And for those who miss Budweiser’s beloved Clydesdales?

As in previous years, A-B is releasing its Super Bowl ads online before the big game.


“The Super Bowl is one of the biggest celebrations of the year, making it the ideal time to spark important conversations that lead to smart plans to get home safely”.

Busch shows actress Helen Mirren in a Budweiser ad for Super Bowl 50. In the ad Mirren delivers a lecture about drunk driving and why its a terrible idea