
‘Hillary Sticker Kid’ is an Internet Sensation! Video!

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton may have had a good night at the Iowa caucus but the real victor was a college student dubbed by the internet as ‘Sticker Kid’.


Most eyes were on Hillary Clinton on Monday night while she spoke following her narrow victory against Vermont Sen. Specifically, Gawker declared that “Sticker Kid” won Iowa, while Mashable labeled him the “MVP” of Clinton’s speech.

As it turns out, Sticker Boy is actually a Drake University student named Peter Clinkscales, who, according to his Twitter profile, is a “simple man” interested in “pretty, dark-haired women and breakfast food”. Sticker Kid will unleash the potential of the American economy..

“We thought it would be a great idea if we brought two saxophones here to the rally for Hillary Clinton so he could play one and he could play one”, he said. The student added that he made it to the VIP area, which was behind Clinton, for her speech by just following people with the proper credentials.

Forget Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, who basically tied among Democrats there.

“I saw that a presidential candidate was going to be at my university”, he said, “and I thought that I should go see that presidential candidate at my university”.


“I couldn’t hear much and I had stickers on my face and I was preoccupied”, he said.

This #stickerkid won the #IowaCaucus