
Kasich to join the fight for the White House

It was at the university that the seeds of the two-term governor’s political career were planted when as a freshman political science major in 1970, he audaciously wrote a letter that landed him a 20-minute audience with President Richard Nixon.


Earlier this month, I saw Kasich take center seat on FNC’s Special Report with Bret Baier.

Oh, no. Not another Republican running for president.

Kasich paid tribute to those who came before him, saying he derives his personal inspiration from them: An uncle who fought in Iwo Jima, another uncle who fought in France, and his own father, “John the Mailman”. “That’s who we are”, he said. I mean, that shouldn’t be hard for America. “Empathy. Don’t be so quick too judge”.

In a large and varied Republican field, there may be no more confounding presidential candidate than John Kasich.

Kasich grew up Catholic but drifted away, renewing his faith after his parents were killed by a drunk driver in 1987.

Despite waiting to formally announce, Kasich has hit the gas on the campaign trail. The governor had been fundraising since May, via an allied nonprofit called “New Day for America”.

His home state of Ohio will host the first Republican presidential debate on August, 6 and only the top-10 candidates in the polls will be allowed to take part. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. Marco Rubio jumped 10 points. Aides believe his candor will stand out in a debate.

According to an anonymous family contact and a diary Mr. Abdulazeez left behind, he was depressed, thousands of dollars in debt and struggled to reconcile his drug abuse problems with his Islamic beliefs. Some can say they’ve run a state.

“I’ve done this before”.

He also said he would strengthen the country’s military if elected.

“Medicaid enrollment in Ohio has far outpaced Kasich’s projections and more than doubled in cost”.

But his late entry to the race could be a challenge.

The Columbus Dispatch reported Monday that the crowd for Kasich’s announcement is expected to number more than 4,000 people. “I heard their voices”.

“I can see sort of the pathway as to how I can be president”. I’ll make myself available.

“I hope he spends a lot of time campaigning out of the state because he isn’t helping”, said state Rep. Michele Lepore-Hagan of Youngstown, D-58th.

Conservatives have criticized Kasich for taking federal money for an expansion of Medicaid in Ohio under President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law. In 2011, Kasich was elected as governor and was re-elected for a second term in November 2014.

Meanwhile, Ohio’s Democratic Party is pushing against the governor’s campaign. The main opposition to Senate Bill 5 was “We Are Ohio”.

Another Koch brothers gathering is planned next month in Columbus. Ask about the environment, and he’ll say it matters because “the Lord gave it to us”.

Former First Lady and Secretary of State, Democrat Hillary Clinton announced she would again seek the Oval Office on April 12.

Kasich has an answer ready for critics who contend his approach to governing does not line up with conservative principles.

“Sometimes, as a leader, you have to walk a lonely road”, Kasich told reporters in July. Governor of Ohio, 2011-present.

Scott Walker: Wisconsin’s fresh-faced governor, 47, earned national fame busting public unions, and claims as other conservative accomplishments tax cuts and legalizing the concealed carrying of firearms. “Maybe I should wonder about theirs”.

He served previously in the House, where he became an architect of a balanced budget deal in 1997. But exposure to a broad Fox primetime audience this early in the race, and the chance to go head-to-head with 2016 frontrunners, could conceivably influence which candidates overcome political inertia in this congested field of GOP candidates and which ones drift off into oblivion.


And Kasich has the backing of a handful of key Republicans, including top media strategists from Sen. John McCain – have succeeded in the past.

Ohio to require students to be immunized against meningitis - The Morning Journal