
Windows 10 Beats Windows 8.1 In Worldwide Usage

If the Xiaomi Mi 5 does release with a Windows 10 Variant, it will allow users who are looking for budget-friendly smartphones from China a greater choice.


In October 2015, Microsoft officials outlined a schedule for stepping up the company’s push to get Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users to move to Windows 10.

The phone is expected to come out at a price point of $235 and will run the Windows 10 OS. That was when the company first announced that Windows 10 would become a recommended update in the new year to make it easier to upgrade.

You are also required to stay alert because even if you have adopted manual updates you may still end up downloading Windows 10 anyway.

From Monday this week Windows 10 will automatically begin installing on many home machines running Windows 7 and 8.1.

Also, let’s dispel the myth that after the one-year anniversary you’re going to have to buy Windows 10 to keep using your computer.

The increase in the share of the market of Windows 10 shows that the mainstream market is finally getting itself acquainted with the new software. The company logs the operating system of devices that visit more than three million websites that have its free visitor-counting app installed. Plus the 30 day window for reverting back to your previous version of Windows will still be available if you decide to go ahead with the upgrade and try it out. The change comes in the form of positioning the new operating system as a “recommended update” that will get automatically downloaded unless users specifically opt out of the update. That’s particularly true after the disastrous Windows 8 launch, which took a lot of the features that users relied on (the Start Menu) and revamped them for touch usage.

This is because Microsoft gave the Windows 10 all it had as it wanted to unite mobile and desktop platforms under a single new operating system.


Second, Recommended updates are not installed on Windows 7 and 8.1 by default unless you make a change in your Windows Update settings to install them alongside of Important updates. Customers who want earlier versions of Windows have to have their computers custom-made.

Windows 10 Mobile