
Amber Rose: Kanye West Behaving Like A Clown

5th I know you mad every time you look at your child that this girl got you for 18 years. I don’t do that… And the Internet was broken even further when Rose chimed in and claimed that she used to finger West’s behind when they were together.


“I’m not into that kind of s-t”.

KIM Kardashian has posted a photo of Kanye West and their 2-year-old daughter North snarling just days after his heated Twitter spat with his ex Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa.

“Awww @kanyewest are u mad I’m not around to play in ur asshole anymore?”

Taking ownership of Wiz and Amber’s child again, he wrote: “You wouldn’t have a child if it wasn’t for me”.

Rose was heard reacting to the comments Thursday in a preview for her podcast interview for “Allegedly”.

And he wasn’t just backtracking in this video – he also appeared to have second thoughts about what he said to Wiz as he later removed the tweets from his account. Naturally, #FingersInTheBootyAssBitch (a splendid hashtag used in Amber’s response tweet) came up, but Amber perfectly dodged the topic by reminding Kanye to not talk about her kid: “You don’t bring in my baby”.

He has taken to Twitter to get very personal and revealing in an effort to deny his ex-girlfriend Amber Rose’s accusations. “Don’t talk about my baby”.

Still, Rose didn’t have to take her tweets in such a NSFW direction.

Rose went on to state that she’s not surprised about anything West ever says.

“I know he’s a fuckin” clown”, she added. You don’t ever talk about a baby, ever.

I mean he still talks about me in songs. Then, when I started getting famous, the shaming got even worse. “It just shows the type of person he is”, she said.


In case you’re not up to speed (on account of having better things to be doing), Kanye and Wiz Khalifa had some beef on Wednesday night, which escalated somewhat.
