
Texas man navigates traffic while wife gives birth to 10-pound baby

This Houston woman gave birth to a 4.5kg baby boy in a vehicle on the way to hospital.


“Oh my gosh. We just had a baby in the auto”.

The couple was already planning on a natural birth. “Hold him upside down and pat him on the booty”, he said after Josiah was delivered.

The video has been shot from what looks like the seat belt locking mechanism from the driver’s side to show a low vantage point of the passenger, in this case the mother who gave birth to a child right in the auto. For both their births, the couple arrived way too early at the hospital, so this time they chose to wait a little longer before they headed over.

“I was probably freaking out way more than I should have but I really don’t want to have him in the car,”Pettijohn said in a statement”. “That’s the first time we’ve ever had something like that happen, it’s not common”, said Griggs. “But I really didn’t want to have him in the auto”, Ms Pettijohn told abc13.

“You’re attractive. He’s a boy, baby, he’s a boy”.

Ten-pound, 3 ounce Josiah, the couple’s third child was born perfectly healthy.

Lesia can be heard worrying about giving birth in the vehicle when her water breaks and then things progress very quickly. They have two daughters. Oh my goodness! What do I do?’ she asked.


As for their video going viral, John commented, “He’s gonna be famous before he even knows his own name”.

Jon Pettijohn filmed his wife giving birth