
When actress Charlize Theron invited Obama to strip club

While chatting backstage, Obama was telling Theron how happy he was to be on the show because he got to reach out to a younger demographic.


Theron then exclaimed to Kimmel, “It’s terrible, terrible, terrible!” “It’s like Tourette’s [syndrome] in a weird way, that I’ll say something and I don’t know how to stop it. It’s like verbal diarrhea”.

Charlize on Monday night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live.

As commander-in-chief, President Obama likely gets invited a lot of places by bevy of constituents, friends, and foes.

The “Mad Max: Fury Road” actress rehashed how the POTUS was happy to be on the show because he was able to target a different demographic.

Kimmel’s curiosity wouldn’t let the story end there, “And he didn’t go?”

Obama, the actress said, took the strip club snafu in stride.

Although he responded graciously, Theron admitted she kept replaying the event in her head and couldn’t sleep for the next four weeks. And hers was with the President Of The United States! And those nerves can result in you inviting the leader of the free world to a strip club.

Luckily for a mortified Theron, Obama was “nothing but lovely” about her gaffe – not that it made her feel any better.


“I walked on set and they had just lost their other lead to play Charlize’s mom”, Hendricks explained.

Christina Hendricks 40 was not impressed to be offered a part as 39-year-old Charlize Theron's mother