
Trump Says Skipping Fox News Debate “Could” Have Hurt Him in Iowa

“We will go on to get the Republican nomination, and we will go on to easily beat Hillary or Bernie or whoever the hell they throw up there”, he said. Trump gave remarks in which he graciously congratulated Cruz, thanked the people of Iowa and said he liked the Hawkeye State so much, he might buy a farm there. Bernie Sanders, where he has been running strong for weeks.


Mr Sanders told supporters the results proved he was a viable candidate, and he said: “We’re in this for the long haul”.

(My guess is that they would have emphasized the chance factor of the coin tosses and declared Clinton the de facto victor anyway.) Clinton surely feels the heavy weight of the 2008 Iowa caucus, in which she was soundly beaten by Barack Obama, who went on to sweep state after state.

“That’s what I mean when I say, ‘Let’s find common ground wherever we can, ‘” Clinton said.

Polls show well over half of Republican voters are undecided in New Hampshire. Marco Rubio, a United States senator from Florida, came in third with 23 percent, easily making him the leader among establishment Republican candidates and gaining him momentum as eyes turn to New Hampshire, the next battleground. On one, according to one participant, there was an acknowledgement of the campaign’s increasingly long odds and an agreement that, barring a strong Bush showing in New Hampshire, many Bush donors would soon bolt to Rubio.

And Cruz won a substantial share of the party’s most conservative voters, carrying 43 percent of them, to Trump, who got the second largest slice, 21 percent.

Hillary Clinton takes a selfie with a supporter after speaking at a high school in West Des Moines, Iowa, in January.

Cruz’s communications director Rick Tyler appeared Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”, where he denied Carson’s allegations.

“We took on the most powerful political organization in this country”, Sanders said. “And the heart of my campaign is based on common-sense principles”. New Hampshire holds its primary next week.

Rubio, too, was looking ahead. Voters who made up their minds in the campaign’s final week strongly favored Cruz and Florida Sen.

Trump also attacked Cruz for sending out a controversial mailer claiming voters had committed a “voter violation” by not voting.

Trump showed little concern Tuesday. “Great honor”, Trump tweeted. That’s where he has hung his campaign’s fortunes to emerge as the viable conservative alternative to front-runners Donald Trump and Sen. Scott Brown – certainly not a good career move for Brown, considering that he works for the Fox News Channel.

Was this the beginning of a kinder, gentler Trump?

That won’t be easy. She said that her campaign has met the conditions and urged Sanders to participate in Thursday’s New Hampshire debate. All three are hoping the state will breathe life into their flagging campaigns.

He briefly addressed the Iowa results in Keene. With a deadlock tie between Clinton and Sanders in some precincts after caucus debates, six precincts tossed a coin to determine the victor. At the time, however, her razor-thin lead was shrinking to mere tenths of a percent. “And who is mostly likely going to be able to deliver?”

Republicans vote February 20 in South Carolina; Democrats follow February 27. Ted Cruz did this year against real estate mogul Donald Trump. He won 84% of Democrats under the age of 30. Clinton commanded 42 percent of queries.

Devine responded by saying that Clinton was mischaracterizing Sanders’ requests.

A potential avenue for Trump success could be in attracting new voters.


The fundraiser for veterans raised Dollars 6 million.
