
GOP Governors in New Hampshire Aiming at Marco Rubio

But Rubio has been within a few points of Bush and Kasich in recent New Hampshire polls, and after Iowa it’s not hard to imagine him gaining three or four points, probably more, over the next week.


Bush’s anemic level of support was the best result of the Iowa election.

Bush has pushed back against the suggestion that given Sen.

On the controversy over the Iowa caucuses, and the accusations from Ben Carson and Donald Trump that Ted Cruz “stole” the election there, Christie said the election is over and that the candidates should move on. Cruz, a senator from Texas, won Iowa with 28 percent. On Monday in Iowa, Marco Rubio made a strong case that he is the most competitive of the field’s more palatable reactionaries.

For Republicans, the pivot to New Hampshire meant the still-crowded cast of candidates has turned toward a less religious and mostly undecided electorate. Voters here head to the polls on Tuesday.

Walker’s gone, and Bush ended up in sixth place Monday night, pulling in less than 3 percent of the vote.

She said she felt Rubio was a candidate who could appeal to younger and older voters. “This is center-right country”. “The New Hampshire primary is going to be very telling”. The former Virginia lawmaker, ousted by conservatives in 2014, introduced Bush at a town hall in New London before a large crowd on the campus of Colby-Sawyer College.

But some New Hampshire voters were drawing conclusions from the caucuses – and ruling out some lower-polling candidates.

Bernie Sanders is receiving the endorsement of Dick Harpootlian, South Carolina’s former state Democratic party chair, in his bid for the White House. Tim Scott, the only African-American Republican in the Senate.

The establishment-friendly candidates are comforted by the fact that many New Hampshire voters tend not to settle on a candidate until days before the primary. Despite stealing the spotlight and driving the debate for months, he appears to have been out-organized by Cruz in Iowa.

Whether Rubio can capitalize on his Iowa showing and actually start winning primaries remains to be seen.

“I really think he’s starting to come on strong. Great honor”, Trump tweeted. But the trial lawyer says Sanders is “cut from the same cloth” as Obama and former President Bill Clinton. On immigration, too, Rubio now finds himself far to Bush’s right, railing about the need to close and seal the nation’s southern border before even beginning to talk about any other kind of reform.

That won’t be easy. Rubio, it’s true, has establishment rivals to finish off in New Hampshire-Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and John Kasich. Bush and his allies spent over $14 million on television for the roughly 5,143 votes he received – or a jaw-dropping $2,888 per vote, according to a review of vote tallies from NBC News and ad-spending data from SMG Delta published last week.


Clinton, meanwhile, played up her win – no matter how narrow – while setting expectations for a hard road ahead.

Rubio in the crowd