
The Frinkriac will match any Simpsons quote with the right scene

Did you ever encounter moments in life that were best described by a line from The Simpsons?


Stop and take notice: you can now search the first fifteen seasons of The Simpsons by quote and receive a page full of screen grabs from every time that quote was used. If you head over to Frinkiac, you can type in virtually any quote from the first 15 seasons of the Simpsons, and find a bunch of stills from around the moment it was said during the show.

Well, that is exactly what Sean Schulte, Paul Kehrer and Allie Young have created with Frinkiac, a search engine named after the show’s hilarious quack scientist, Professor Frink. For more insight on the technical delights behind Frinkiac, you can read Kehrer’s post on creating the engine here.

Die-hard fans are now able to find any quote and meme it whenever they want to say something that’s perfectly expressed by a character of the globally acclaimed animated series. The results will show hundreds of screenshots left blank, you choose your matching quote, and hey presto – instant meme!

Frinkiac is particularly impressive thanks to its ability of chopping every scene into 100 sections – if there are enough differences in color from one frame to another, Frinkiac saves it as a separate screenshot.


Basically, it’s the ultimate time waster, and the io9 editorial Slack room has quickly devolved into people searching endlessly for more Simpsons quotes. “It was surprisingly hard to find an image of the scenes we were quoting on Google”, Schulte told WIRED. There’s no way to directly share from the site, but people can always screenshot the screenshot.

This Amazing Simpsons Search Engine Matches the Perfect Screencap To a Quote