
State police warn against drunk driving Super Bowl Sunday

Past year on Super Bowl Sunday there were 42 alcohol-impaired-driving crashes resulting in 3 fatalities and 21 injuries in North Carolina.


“Impaired driving is completely preventable”, said Lt. Antonio Matos, commander of the Ohio Highway Patrol’s Ravenna post.

The Naperville Police Department announced today that it will conduct special patrols this Super Bowl weekend, looking for and cracking down on alcohol- and drug-impaired drivers.

February 04-Automobile traffic is expected to greatly increase during Super Bowl week as the Carolina Panthers gear up to take on the Denver Broncos. Being a sober, designated driver is a key role on Super Bowl Sunday.

Designating a responsible driver before the game begins. Everyone should be mindful that if you’re taking medication – whether prescription or over-the-counter – drinking even small amounts of alcohol can greatly intensify the impairment affects.

Always buckle up. It’s still your best defense against other drunk drivers.

“Georgia has zero tolerance for drunk driving and Super Bowl Sunday is no exception no matter who you’re rooting for”, GOHS Director Harris Blackwood said.

For those who plan to drink, leave your keys at home.

Officials say all guests should designate a sober driver in advance or help arrange alternate transportation. The California Office of Traffic Safety DDVIP (Designated Driver VIP) mobile app is now available for free download on iOS and Android devices.

Serve lots of food and include lots of non-alcoholic beverages at the party. Before drinking, make sure you have a sober designateddriver.


“It’s important to have a game-plan prior to kick-off and to beat this too often deadly opponent”, said Kurt Gregory Erickson, president of the nonprofit Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP), a local 34-year-old public-private partnership.

Hamilton County Traffic Safety Partnership reminds drivers to celebrate responsibly this Super Bowl